Senin, 25 Mei 2009

all about Daniel Radcliffe

Born July 23rd, 1989 to Alan Radcliffe and Marcia Gresham, Daniel Radcliffe's biography is necessarily short, but having played the leading role in several of the biggest films of recent years he, like Harry, is one of the most famous teenagers in the world. He began performing in small school productions as a young boy. Soon enough, he landed a role in David Copperfield (1999) (TV), as the young David Copperfield. A couple of years later, Daniel Radcliffe landed a role as Mark Pendel in The Tailor of Panama (2001), the son of Harry and Louisa Pendel (Geoffrey Rush and Jamie Lee Curtis). Curtis had indeed pointed out to Daniel's mother that he could be Harry Potter himself.

Soon afterwards, Daniel Radcliffe was cast as Harry Potter by director, Chris Columbus in the film that hit theatres in November 16, 2001, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. He was recognized worldwide after this film was released pleasing audiences and critics everywhere. Filming on its sequel, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (2002) commenced shortly afterwards. He appeared again as Harry in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (2004) directed by Alfonso CuarĂ³n, and will also be in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (2005).

Daniel Radcliffe tried reading the first Harry Potter book when he was 8 years old, but was unable to finish it. He finally read the entire book when he was cast in the lead role of the film. His favorite book from the Harry Potter series so far is number two, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. He has stated that 12 Angry Men (1957) is the first black & white film he ever saw and is also his favorite film.

Daniel Radcliffe likes to play pranks. During the filming of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, he took co-star Robbie Coltrane's cellular phone and changed it so all the messages were in Turkish. Although Danny loves to play Playstation, listen to music (some of his faves are Stereophonics, REM and U2), and write, he's also very active and energetic. He loves to run and enjoys football (soccer) and other sports.

In 2004, Daniel Radcliffe was reported to be the second richest teenager in England (Prince Harry being the first). Even with his hectic movie schedule, he had some time to do some acting on a West End stage in the production of The Play What I Wrote. For his birthday in 2005, he has made a big effort for his fans to give gifts and donations to one of the charities he supports - Demelza House (instead of sending the gifts to him)

Kamis, 14 Mei 2009

10 gagasan utk menang :

1. keinginan, bukan kemampuan yg menentukan keberhasilan
2. tetapkan ssrn Anda
3. merencanakan ssrn Anda
4. pcylah pd dri sndri m'rupakn slh satu motivasi yg t'besar
5. menjadi orang berprinsip
6. lihat pohon jambu dan buahnya
7. mengembangkan k'biasaan m'muji orang
8. bangun k'pcyaan dri anda
9. menangani saat2 sulit

Selasa, 10 Februari 2009

Emma Watson Takut Ciuman di Film Terakhir Harry Potter

Pemeran Hermione Granger Emma Watson memberi bocoran soal kemungkinan adanya adegan ciuman antara Hermione dan Ron. Di film yang diangkat dari seri terakhir Harry Potter, 'Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows,' keduanya bisa saja melakoni adegan itu.

Adegan ciuman tersebut diakui Emma membuatnya grogi. "Aku tak pernah melakoni adegan ciuman, jadi ini baru untukku. Makanya aku sangat grogi," ujarnya seperti detikhot kutip dari Ace Showbiz, Selasa (10/2/2009).

Untungnya Emma sudah mendapat sedikit nasihat dari pemeran Harry Potter, Daniel Radcliffe yang telah lebih dulu melakoni adegan ciuman. "Kata Daniel, setelah beberapa kali pengambilan gambar, kita akan bosan," celotehnya.

Sebelumnya pemeran Ron Weasley, Rupert Grint juga berbagi cerita soal adegan ciuman yang mungkin saja dilakukannya bersama Emma. Menurutnya mereka bisa menghabiskan waktu selama 10 menit untuk mencoba berbagi bibir.

Buku terakhir Harry Potter rencananya akan dibuat ke dalam dua film, "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part I" dan "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part II". Dua film tersebut akan disutradarai David Yates yang juga menyutradarai dua film Harry Potter sebelumnya. Dua film terakhir akan dirilis pada 19 November 2010 dan Mei 2011.

Sabtu, 24 Januari 2009

tiPS cEgaH LuPa

  1. sediakan kalender
  2. buat jadwal aktivitas
  3. buat cttn utk m'ingat hal pntng
  4. hindari stress akibat k'mrhn & k'lelahan
  5. Brain Gym
  6. mengisi teka-teki silang
  7. m'ingat no telv

m'jlni taon 2009 dgn baik

  • Fokus pada 3 Revolusi
  • Buat tujuan yg Realistis
  • Kejar target
  • B'janji b'sikap lebih Manis
  • Jangan sembrono
  • Buat tim yg kompak & baik
  • bersihkan 7 benda k'sygn stiap hari

8 pendukung perbaikan SIKAP

  1. IMPIAN = TUJUAN .. VISUALISASI : Lihat ,, Dengar ,, Rasakan
  2. MULAI
  3. ULANGI sampai NYAMAN
  7. Jaga KEUANGAN

Sabtu, 10 Januari 2009

hai cum mw ksi tw ajh ney

Film HARRY POTTER k'6 kluar 16 July 2009 ..

Rilis HARRY POTTER k'7 yg ptma 19 Nov 2010 n yg k'dua bln Mei 2011

bagi tmn " yg p'gila HARRY POTTER sm ky gw mari kita tggu filmny dgn sabar !!!!

hahahahahaha ap c gw lebay bgt yua ....... ????

Jumat, 09 Januari 2009

kiat sukses

mampu membuat impresi atau kesan yang menguntungkan
membangun reputasi yang baik
memiliki antusiasme
mampu berempati
memiliki banyak sahabat
mampu berpikir baik
mampu mengambil keputusan
mahir mendegelasikan
mampu mengatasi tekanan atau stress
tidak menjadi menara gading

it is not doing the things we like , but liking the things we have to do that make life happy

(bukkny mlkukn hal2 yg kita sukai , tp menyukai hal2 yg hrz kita lkukn , itulh yg mbuat hidup kita bahagia)

kegelapan adlh malam, ak bhsil malalui badai
jgn pnh mngtkn mati, ak png bjln dspnjng jln ini sblmny
ak tdk akn pnh bhenti, ak tdk akn pnh b'istrht
lihatlh ak telah bjnji pd dri ak sndri utk tdk pnh mngcewkn dri ak
mk ak tdk akn pnh bhnti tdk pnh mnyerh tdk pnh mbiarkn chy krguan itu singgah
dan jk ak jatuh ak tdk akn pnh gagal ak akn sgr bangkit dan mcoba lagi
tdk pnh khilangan hrpn tdk pnh khilangan kykian tlalu byk yg dptruhkan
pd dri ak sndrilh tmpt ak b'gntung ak tdk mcari jln singkat (kmudhn) ato pun ksmptn